While we were living in Newton, Kansas, I bought this old sewing machine for $1.50 in an antique store. What we did was turn it into a lamp by putting a curved rod with a socket for the bulb at the back of the wooden base. Since I was in a phase of paper perforating in those days (and stencilling) I made a lampshade from scratch. Those were really popular at the time and lots of fun to do. I took a class to learn how and did quite a few of them. Funny how things come and go.
This is in the basement - no place to have it upstairs. Directly below this is a picture I found on the internet that shows how the machine looks in almost pristine condition.
The story with it is it acquired by the relatives of a woman who had it for many years. The machines were made in the late 1890's and discontinued in 1918 by Western Electric.
This is a closeup of mine - not as shiny by any means but the pretty decorations are not too badly worn.
Top picture from internet, lower one my machine.
Mine shows lots of wear and tear
Look how pretty the one above from the internet is.
Here is what I keep on the bed of the machine - a couple of old scissors and a buttonhook. Below is the foot pedal and connection that I don't have.