Monday, February 16, 2009

Problems Posting

I am having a problem uploading my pictures so for now I am just playing around seeing what is wrong. On the form that I work on there is a paragraph of gobbledygook instead of the picture but I think it uploads as a picture. DAH!! what to do.

Now I will see if I have something under each one. Weird.

Am back editing my post - it looks the same as always on the blog but no picture shows up here. Will try to figure out what is wrong but at least I can work with it the way it is. To explain the pictures, I did the piece quite a few years ago at one of Janna's retreats - it was a little kit she gave each of us. I made the blocks later and put them together a different way, machine quilted it (all with my walking foot) and eventually gave it to Ann. She had it framed - doesn't it look lovely?

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