Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Busy Today!

Spent the day scanning and printing getting ready to go over to the Carriage House tomorrow morning and help take in the quilts for our show. We usually have pictures of the makers of the quilts attached to the info that goes with each one. This year we are using baby pictures or pictures in our younger years. What fun! Some of the girls I would have recognized even without the name on the back of the photo. This little girl is Funoldhag - probably about three years old. I am standing in the side yard of Grandma and Grandpa Pearce's house. Behind me are the four-o'clocks (maybe five o'clocks?) that Grandpa planted.

Now here is my buddy blogger, Julie ( She is really letting someone know what is on her mind! Cute picture! Will be posting pictures of pretty quilts soon. (Click to enlarge)

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