Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Selvages and Birds of a Feather

For some time now, I have been kind of saving selvages from my fabrics ever since I found a blog dedicated to selvages - - and when I was looking on it today I saw these potholders. Aren't they neat? Might be an idea for something for the quilt show bazaar. So many of my pieces of fabrics are fat quarters or half yards or less that I don't have long pieces of selvage. However, if I get to rooting around through my stuff, I will have lots of short pieces!! You might take a peek at the blog and see all the cute things there.
I have been seeing so much red lately - and thought I would change colors and do a little bit on my birds of a feather. However, I am in need of some thread so can't finish stitching it. I did one of the twigs in a varigated thread - did the entire thing - and hated it. So I got to play the game of taking out the stitches - my next favorite game to spilling the box of straight pins and playing pickup. Got them out without making any disasterous cuts and without shagging up the narrow stems. Now I will find a color that looks nice with them. Sometimes I feel like a flea - flitting from one thing to another, but from what I can gather in reading blogs that seems to be a common trait with some quilters. I also think it comes with growing older so I probably have a double dose of - OMG - is it ADD? (Click to enlarge)

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