Friday, January 22, 2010

Fashion Friday

Fashion Friday rolls around in a hurry. For this week I have seclected this small picture which is a little scratchy but I just love it. My brother sent it to me not too long ago and it's one that I have never seen. Nelle, my aunt, is second from the right, and Nan, my mom, is on the end. Two of the girls and Nelle are wearing dark skirts and white blouses while Nan has a dark blouse. It looks as if each of the girls has either a pin, a bow or a necklace on her pretty blouse. And, of course, each wears a lovely dark hat. Standing by a really spiffy looking automobile, they are holding some sort of a garland. I wonder what that was all about - where were they and what were they going to do with the garland. I was hoping this one would enlarge but it will not. I would love to see it larger.

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