Saturday, March 27, 2010

Two of my Earliest Quilt Projects

Back in the late 70's, we were living near a small shopping center in Overland Park, Kansas, and it had a quilt shop which I think was called Quilter's Stitch. I took quite a few classes there and believe I mentioned that before. The first quilting related class was the one featuring a quilt block in a padded frame. I always love seeing the old fabrics and how different and rather dull they are from today's gorgeous stuff. There's not much quilting on this little piece and the stitches are pretty big but it was a good start. I have learned so much over the years. Then there were the pieces in the hoops that everyone was doing - remember them? Here is my goose with her freshly laid eggs. Even though it doesn't hang in my kitchen anymore, I still think this is cute and and she would be hanging there if there were more room.

The quilting stitches are large on this one, also, and there is not much of it. Things were not generally as closely quilted back then as the trend appears to be now. I was just beginning machine satin stitch applique and it is a little rough but got much better over the years. Satin stitch takes longer than machine buttonhole. And it was a long time before I got my much loved Bernina. (Click to enlarge)

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