Wednesday, April 14, 2010

An Awesome Old Quilt

Tuesday evening was our monthly quilt guild meeting and our program was given by a very nice woman, Krista, from Rosebush, Michigan, on Women of the Civil War and their quilts. She brought with her many quilts as examples of what women were making back then and examples of other old quilts that were of a later date.

This quilt was my favorite of those shown. What great butterflies - pieced - and so many delightful fabrics used. The pretty gal on the right holding the quilt is Jewels of If you should want to check out more of the quilts she brought, click on the little duck on the sidebar and it will take you to our guild blog, Pass the Tiara.

I took some closeups of the quilt and thought you might enjoy seeing them.

The border is a little out of the ordinary - it looks patriotic and is ruffled.

One more picture of the butterflies. Charming! (Click to enlarge)

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