.........and we caught some!! This is the little trading card I did for June of 2007. Ray and I went to Arkansas twice a year for a lot of years to fish. We really had such a good time - so many nice memories.
The following small quilts are art journals and are 8 1/2 by 11. These things are all fun to make.

Roses won't be blooming for a while yet but they're worth the wait.

This is called Summer's Here
Where does the time go? Tomorrow June starts and summer unofficially starts then. Thought I would put up an art journal (the small quilts that are so much fun to do) or two for the new season. Both of them were started on the computer. I altered the picture of the rose by changing color, then sewed on pretty little glass beads hoping it looked like droplets of rain. The other has a picture of a cute girl I found on the internet that I printed out on transparency film then transferred it to fabric with the use of a gel medium. There are so many fun things like that to do.