Saturday, February 20, 2010

Some Sweet Little Old Things

This little baby who used all the things in the next photos was my husband, Ray, pictured above. If you have been to my other blog you will probably think you are seeing double.
I have already posted these pictures - only in an antique colorway - to Pieces of the Past but I want them here also. These were all used or worn by Ray when he was a baby. His mom, Clemie, saved all these things and passed them on to me. There are more little articles of clothing down in the basement - I especially can recall some little woolen pants. One day I will get them out and take photos of them also. I have these hanging below a shelf with the little baby dish, wagon and some other things on top.
Aren't the little long stockings cute? All babies were dressed in dresses back then - even the little boys. Clothing for little ones has certainly changed. Everything in this post is about 84 years old since Ray would have celebrated his 84th birthday a week from tomorrow on the last day of February except for Leap Year. Here is a little sweater and some mittens. Probably there was a bonnet that went with this at one time.

Another dress - a very long one. I don't think either of the dresses shows up in the first picture. I actually dressed Sherry in little dresses like this a lot when she was tiny. They were so hard to iron. What was I thinking? (Click to enlarge)

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