Thursday, February 11, 2010

Valentine Exchange

Tuesday evening's guild meeting was cancelled because of a lot of snow. Several things that were going to be done at the meeting had to be put on hold until next month and a task we were going to do for our annual quilt show will now be done at a Sit and Sew next week. A group of about fourteen signed up to do a secret Valentine exchange which we will do in March. When I was working on mine, the first one I did turned out just a little whopperjawed but too pretty to toss away so I finished it. I learned a couple of things from this one. Instead of cutting everything out, layering and quilting, I found out it is much easier to cut them all bigger and trim to fit afterwards. You would think I would know that anyway! The second one I did is similar to this but different! Will post that one after the meeting next time. I'm pretty sure I know what I am going to do with this one. (Click to enlarge)

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