Saturday, January 24, 2009

Just Some Scarves

I can only knit a little bit - but I have crocheted quite a bit over the years and enjoy doing it. So I bought some yarn and set about making several scarves. The one above is just getting started and will look kind of stripy when it is done. A little hard to work with but so soft and I love the wild colors.
This one is snuggly soft and looks pinker in the photo than it actually is. It's finished. I am actually working on figuring out my challenge quilt for the quilt show and I'm closing in on that. Then I have everything gathered for my part in this month's round robin quilt and just need to do it. This is January - and everything is slow in January and February. No need to rush, right?It is also getting colder again so it's time to enjoy the cozy nest!
(Click to enlarge)

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