Monday, January 5, 2009

Rocking Christmas Eve

Bill had a great setup in his basement for the X Box thing (I'm not sure just what it is called) and he had Guitar Hero and a Rock Band deal. Let me tell you, everyone loved it! He works with videos and all things high-tech so has a great space for this. Above, you can see the big screen he had stretched on a frame. Below you can see how intense everyone is trying to keep up with what is going on for each of them. They actually are a pretty talented bunch. Two on guitars, one drummer and a vocalist. Lots and lots of fun. However, none of my family got their musical talents from me since I have none!! The only lessons I ever had was tapdancing - not much call for that!Everyone took turns on different positions - such fun to watch. They took it over to Norah and Chad's Christmas Day and played it a while then, too, on the tv. (Click to enlarge)

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