Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Quilting in Progress

Even though the quilt sandwich is this wallhanging looks loose and like it will never lie flat, so far I have been amazed at the way it has been quilting out. As I have said before, I have become more comfortable with my machine quilting, finally, but am still not sure of myself at all.
Here is the little July block and it is actually lying nice and flat. The quilting makes the little motifs pop right out.
Didn't know how I would do the sashing but, after a little ripping out of one way, decided on what is shown in this picture. I am now about half way through with the quilting and I should have it all done and bound in time for our quilt show. I promise no more pictures of this until it is all done. (Click to enlarge)

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Some Cute Little Chicks

Back in the mid fifties, Sherry took tap dancing lessons like so many kids did (including my sister and me when we were in grade school - the only lessons we ever had in anything). In the recital, her little group did two dances - this one being the little chicks and the lone little rooster. Sherry is the little girls second from the right. I made her costume - it was yellow maribou - and very, very wispy and flyaway. My sewing machine was in our living room and we had a dark green rug. Get the picture? But it's pretty darned cute, isn't it?

Fast forward into the eighties - and here is Sherry's oldest daughter, Norah, while she was at Grandma and Grandma's house, all dressed up in the old costume. The hat had lost its "feathers" but not its beak. And Norah is in the same pose as the little class. Fun times! (Click to enlarge)

Monday, March 29, 2010

Fashion Friday, Fashionably Late

I forgot Fashion Friday!  So I will post  this picture of Molly, my middle granddaughter, and her friend, Angie, when they came over to our house one day proably the first summer we were living in Michigan.  I have about three old dresses saved in the basement and they had great fun trying them - each one tried on all three of them.  In this picture, Molly is looking lovely in the salmon colored taffeta dress I wore as my sister's maid of honor.  Angie is wearing my toast satin wedding suit.  Molly will be getting married in August this year so it will be a trip to Portland to celebrate the her wedding to Doug.  So looking forward to that wonderful time.  

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Two of my Earliest Quilt Projects

Back in the late 70's, we were living near a small shopping center in Overland Park, Kansas, and it had a quilt shop which I think was called Quilter's Stitch. I took quite a few classes there and believe I mentioned that before. The first quilting related class was the one featuring a quilt block in a padded frame. I always love seeing the old fabrics and how different and rather dull they are from today's gorgeous stuff. There's not much quilting on this little piece and the stitches are pretty big but it was a good start. I have learned so much over the years. Then there were the pieces in the hoops that everyone was doing - remember them? Here is my goose with her freshly laid eggs. Even though it doesn't hang in my kitchen anymore, I still think this is cute and and she would be hanging there if there were more room.

The quilting stitches are large on this one, also, and there is not much of it. Things were not generally as closely quilted back then as the trend appears to be now. I was just beginning machine satin stitch applique and it is a little rough but got much better over the years. Satin stitch takes longer than machine buttonhole. And it was a long time before I got my much loved Bernina. (Click to enlarge)

Thursday, March 25, 2010

More Tisket A Tasket

It's getting closer to being ready to quilt! I have the top together and think I am stopping right where I am. However, I have considered a smallish plain border so will have to decide soon. It really doesn't need to be bigger.
Could not find something big enough for the backing - didn't want to buy anymore fabric since there is an excess amount of that in my stash. Quite a few charm squares were left and I cut some more so I pieced this for the back. Took a little while, but I think it's kind of pretty. I have three more rows to connect and that will be ready for pressing and then time to layer the quilt. After it is quilted, I will do a little embellishing with buttons. And binding, of course, which may be just plain white. Stay tuned for the final episode with Tisket A Tasket. (Click to enlarge)

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

A New Computer!

I have been wanting a new computer for a long time and now I have one. Seems like I have been working almost full time getting everything off and then back on again. Wow, it's a great one and so much faster - lots faster than I am. I think I will really enjoy this so much. In going over all my old files (that was a job, but it didn't pay very well) I found the pictures of this quilt that I did a long time ago. It was out of a book called Pink Lemonade. I don't think I posted any pictures of this.
For this quilt, I used fabric I had - don't think I bought hardly any. The applique is by hand. I really love the old florals. I had this one quilted and think it's a good job. I will tell you a secret - the quilting was done in off white thread which is great throughout the body of the quilt. However, the border was also done in offwhite - and I just can't get used to that. It is a beautiful pattern but the light stood out so much. My secret? I took a sharpy pen and covered all the white with black and it looks wonderful. It smelled like Sharpy for some time, but that went away. Do any of you have any quilt secrets? ;-) (Click to enlarge)

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Two Special Occasions to Post

Tomorrow is the 35th wedding of my daughter and her husband, Sherry and Barclay, and here is a picture of them on that special day in Lawrence, Kansas. They were married in tiny little Danforth Chapel on the campus of the University of Kansas. We found this sweet dress that was a brand called Gunny Sack and was so perfect for the time. She wore her great grandmother's cameo and the floral wreath that matched her bouquet. What a great couple and so good looking, too, - Ray and I were so happy that both of our kids married into such nice families and in return brought such great people into ours. Happy Anniversary, my dears, with lots of love. (Click to enlarge)

The other special occasion------------------------

This is my 500th post to Funoldhag. I do so enjoy blogging and also enjoy reading your blogs. There's a feeling that we know each other through what is written. I have no giveaway, but I want to thank all of you, bloggers or not, who read my attempts at posting something kind of fun to look at and maybe saying something funny or maybe something sensible occasionally. And I thank you for leaving me comments which I think all bloggers love. Now I will start on my road to 1000!! It has taken me almost two years to reach 500 so 1000 will probably come sometime in early 2012! WOW!

My Embroidery "Tin"

When I take my embroidery to Sit and Sew, I get some good natured teasing from some of the ladies about the condition of my floss in the old candy tin that I put it in. I must admit it does look pretty messy and just a plain squirrel's nest in comparison to some of the neat and very well organized storage of some of the other embroiderers. I will try and mend my ways - and I have made a small start. They gave me an extra set of little cardboard thingies that you can wind the floss on and keep it from tangling. If you look closely at the picture you can see I have wound
six so far - one is in the tin - and I have written the number of the color on each little card, so that is a small step towards improving my floss storage and changing my messy ways. It may take a while, but I will keep striving to clean up my tin. However, I love it when you tease or are being teased and have good giggles over things like that - so I'll probably work at it slowly!
(Click to enlarge)

Friday, March 19, 2010

Fashion Friday

Friday has rolled around again - the weeks fly by anymore. Today I will feature a picture of Ray as a baby with his Aunt Leatha and her son, Jay. Leatha has an absolutely darling haircut and she was such a pretty woman. Her frock has a dropped waist and long sleeves. The shoes she wears feature a big buckle. Jay, her little boy, is all dressed up in a white shirt, pants and a tie.
If you will note, Ray is wearing the shoes one of which I have and it was featured in a post on Pieces of the Past some time ago. Very fashionable!! (Click to enlarge)

Thursday, March 18, 2010

9-Patch Wallhanging

Three or four years ago, I did this wallhanging using a beautiful piece of floral print that was probably fifteen years old.

The pattern is above and it was taken from the book 9-Patch Pizzazz. It was pretty fast and fun to do. Again, this is another of the first pieces that I machine quilted. Most of the times I used the invisible thread since it hides such a multitude of mistakes. (Click to enlarge)

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

More Old Catalog Pages

A couple of pages that look as if they could have come from the same catalog that was featured in a post I did earlier. How nice would it be to have some of these old, vintage looking floral prints? Although I am sure we wouldn't want to use cretonne in a quilt, the prints in a chintz or broadcloth would be wonderful.
I assume these are pajamas or lounging outfits. You certainly can't beat the price but it is hard to tell if the price is for the fabric or the outfit. In looking at the prices for the fabrics above, I think the prices are for the outfits. They are so cute and evidently for little girls through teenagers. I especially love the one on the little gal seated on the floor. (Click to enlarge)
Today was Sit and Sew for the quilt guild and a very nice way to spend a day. A congenial group of gals and some giggles, and most actually do get quite a bit accomplished.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Backing for a Quilt

I have had this appliqued top lying around for probably close to two years and I want to have it quilted. It's not a really big quilt but it is very colorful and I do like it a lot. I had spotted this fabric at Joann's a long time ago and have contemplated buying it for a backing but just never got the job done. Yesterday when I was over there, I looked at it again and thought it would probably be just perfect but should have brought along an extra block that didn't get into the top. The fabric is $9.00 a yard - that's the same as in a quilt shop but the difference here is the 40% off coupon. Lots of the time fabric is 30% off and you can't use the coupon on top of that.
So I did it - bought enough for the backing and binding and I know I probably got too much but I have three blocks I did not use in the top so could do something with them. When I got home and put them together - I thought they looked smashing! The colors are like hues and really blend together. I am glad I bought it - I think it's perfect. (Click to enlarge)

Friday, March 12, 2010

Fashion Friday

Two pictures this morning - of Dan and Maggie Pearce. This first picture shows the couple dressed casually and this was undoubtedly taken at the Sionilli, their cottage on the Illinois River at Rome, Illinois. Dan is wearing some rather ratty looking trousers but does have his watch with chain hanging out of his pocket. No tie but a white shirt. Maggie is looking serious - probably thinking about another white shirt to iron! I can remember sitting and watching her iron when I was a little kid. She had lots and lots of white shirts to do since my grandfather wore them all the time. No permapress back in those days. Maggie is wearing what looks to be a light colored house dress and her dustcap. No jeans, shorts, capris, t-shirts - I really am glad the styles have changed.
Here are Mr. and Mrs. Pearce all dolled up! Dan wears his three piece suit with a jaunty bow tie and again his watch with the chain in his pocket. He holds his hat in one hand and a cigar in the other. There are quite a few photos of him holding a cigar. Maggie is looking chic in a dark dress that features pretty see-through sleeves and a really lovely collar with tassels. Her outfit is completed with a stylish hat and a pretty little metal purse. (Click to enlarge)

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

A Couple of Things

Last night was our guild meeting and, because the one in February was cancelled because of bad weather, we had our secret valentine exchange a month late. There were about fourteen signed up for the exchange. This pretty little pillow was the one I received from my secret valentine and
this is the one I made for the one whose name I drew. There were very cute and clever Valentines - we have a talented group of women. Each item had to have a heart on it.
My granny squares are multiplying - and I have added some pinks in with the mix. I now have 31 done and think that 48 will be the magic number. After it is all together, I will crochet another white round all the way around. (Click to enlarge)

Monday, March 8, 2010

Finally, The Final Tisket, Tasket Baskets

It's been a long, long time since I did anything on this little BOM piece. I now have the last two blocks fused and ready for applique. Maybe if I keep at it I will be able to get it all together and quilted for our quilt show the end of April. I kept up with it until before Christmas then just kind of let it go by the wayside. Once the fabrics are picked and it's fused, it's a piece of cake. I still have Red Delicious to finish but that is just putting the sashing and borders on. Will see how it goes. (Click to enlarge)

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Theme for March ATC is Bling

Here's my little artist trading card for March - I blinged up Betty Boop. Betty Boop is one of my favorite characters from way back when. Such a cute little cartoon character. (Click to enlarge)

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Another Old Wallhanging

One of my first wallhangings - I think this is dated in 1983. We were living in Overland Park in Kansas and there was a shopping center just a few blocks from our home. In that center was a quilt shop called Quilters Stitch where I took quite a few classes. Not just quilting classes but smocking, theorum painting, and fabric stencilling that I can remember. This was the result of a class in hand applique. I remember that the clusters of three red colonial knots I did in the upper scrolls were appliqued circles on the pattern but I could not see myself doing that so just did the big knots. The candles and flames were embroidered, and I hand buttonholed stitched around the triangles and the little caps of the ornaments hanging from the swag with leaves.
I left way too much white background around the lovely pattern and the quilting is minimal but it still is kind of pretty. This was quilted after I had learned how to use a thimble on each hand enabling me to make pretty, even, little quilting stitches. I am sure I could no longer take those tiny stitches but am glad that I did a lot of hand quilting. Now, however, I am so in awe of the people who can do such beautiful machine quilting. That is as much and maybe more of an art and accomplishment as doing so by hand. The world of quilting has certainly changed over the year and for the best. (Click to enlarge)

Friday, March 5, 2010

Fashion Friday

This Fashion Friday I am featuring Nan in a picture that shows what a lovely young woman of her era wore for swinging on a gate in front of a giant castor bean plant (I am fairly positive that is what the plant is). Nan is wearing a lovely light colored summer frock with a big collar and three-quarter length sleeves. The bodice buttons down the front. A soft, ruffly cap completes her very pretty look.

Then we have this photo of what the lovely young lady would wear when sitting on the porch in a rocking chair back in the early 20's. Nan is attired in a sweet summer gown featuring a white collar and cuffs and maybe the same little bonnet that appears in the first picture or a bonnet very similar. Two more favorite pictures of mine. Enjoy. (Click to enlarge)

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

About Ready to be Quilted

I have done some quilting the past couple of weeks. This is the little challenge quilt for the guild's quilt show and the theme is story books. This is my version of a Mother Goose book. Just used what fabric I had on hand - which, of course, is quite plentiful - but I ended up not having enough for the binding and needed something to back it, also. Being an applique fan, I don't usually buy very big pieces of fabric unless I have a reason. I do buy lots of smaller pieces. This is not a big quilt - just 20 x 24. I bought a piece of dark blue today which does not match. However, I think since the binding only amounts to about 1/4 of an inch that it will work out just fine. I am pretty pleased with the way this turned out. The blocks are 8" so I needed four more inches in width and added the title of the quilt there. The letters were done by finding a simple font on the computer and enlarging them to the size I needed for the piece. I would have preferred the fabric in Mary, Mary's dress but that was gone. Also decided the strip needed something else so did the leaves and cherries or grapes or whatever and there was enough for those from the meager little scraps left from Mary's dress. This was a fun one to do.

(Click to enlarge)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

An Old, Old Birth Announcement

While cleaning out some drawers the other day, I found a box with a few things in it and this little gem was one of them. It is a birth announcement of my husband's cousin, the son of his mother's brother and wife, back in 1930. Isn't it cute? The little pink ribbon is just as bright and pretty as it probably was the day it was mailed. It has been in that envelope with the 2 cent stamp for a long time. Thought you might enjoy this cute little item. (Click to enlarge)

Monday, March 1, 2010

Doll House

Back in the early seventies, miniatures were very much a hobby for many people and Ray and I were no exception. He loved to work with anything along that line especially being such an avid model railroader, which is a whole other post one of these days. This is what was done to an old stereo cabinet. Divided into four rooms, we furnished and decorated the interior of our "doll house". In this room, the little sewing machine was purchased and I needlepointed the rug. Ray made the trunk and used black elastic for the trim strips.
Ray made all the furniture and I did the curtains, rugs, bedding, etc. In this little kitchen, the floor is popsicle sticks that he glued down piece by piece. I found the little kitten and the bucket of spilled milk at a store that had a ton of miniatures. These pictures probably won't enlarge like the digital ones and that is too bad. Give it a try, though.

In the living room, upholstery fabric is the carpeting, jewelry findings are picture frames and sconces. Two pearls and a metal base make the lamp.

The little bathroom furnishings were purchased, of course. And you could buy miniature wallpaper. All of the furnishings are still packed away in the basement, but the house itself is long gone. However, there is a beautiful big doll house in my basement that we never furnished and tons of great things to put in it packed away in a big box on the shelf. Ray had some really nice dremel tools that he used to make the pieces and he enjoyed doing that so much and did a great job, also. I am sure I never will complete it but hopefully one of the girls will one day. I have been going through old albums and when I find a photo of that I will post it. Enjoy our little house.